Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Little things please me.

There was a Jay on the grass outside our flat this morning, it didn't stay long but it was lovely to see. Earlier on in the year we were visited by a flock of starlings for a few days. They must have found grubs in the grass and had a great time digging them out.

This afternoon I watched Bob the Knob meticulously picking all the tiny weeds out of the flower bed. No sooner had he finished and his back was turned than Korky the cat wandered over, dug a hole in the nice soft earth and took a crap!

We've just been given a tall slim mirror, I'm delighted as we've not had a decent mirror for years. Steve hung it on the bedroom wall, I've given it a dust and have just about stopped jumping every time I see myself in it!

1 comment:

Ana Dunk said...

It pleases me to see you posting about something that makes you happy. You deserve all the happiness you can find. Hang in there.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...