Monday, 16 October 2023

Back to normal

This morning I felt back to normal, I took Beano out for a walk and we walked quickly, much better than the slow stagger that is all I managed for a few days.

The weather is a lot cooler which Beano prefers. Despite this Steve is still wandering around in shorts and teeshirt. He obviously feels cold as he keeps offering to put the heating on for me. I realised eventually that he can no longer fit into any of his trousers, he's ordered two pairs of joggers. If they aren't big enough he'll have to go into town to buy some.

Steve's been trying to persuade me to take over all the cooking, I've refused, he only wants deep fried junk food which means I'd have to cook separately for me. I cooked stuffed chicken breasts y'day and fish fillets today. I'm not cooking tomorrow, he will have to fend for himself.  I've made some leek and potato soup for me and there is enough for tomorrow. 

Steve's becoming very involved with the jobs the residents want doing, which is fine. But he isn't pulling he  weight around the flat and everything is falling to me. He won't do housework but usually empties the bins but now I'm doing that as well.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...