Saturday, 14 October 2023

Staying in the black.

My pension was paid into my account overnight so I'm in the black. I need to keep a close eye on my account as I went in the red last month and it was touch and go for the last few days.

I receive a slightly bigger pension than Steve as I worked enough years to make up the shortfall when my ex husband stopped paying my NI stamp.

Steve has had periods of being unemployed/self employed when he didn't play his NI contributions.

For some reason, last month, when he purchased the radiator for the bathroom, Steve used my account instead of using the savings. He then started complaining that my account was in the red.


Rambler said...

With Steve's lapses of memory and general forgetfulness in mind, wouldn't it be preferable to have your own account rather than sharing access with Steve? When he's shown how unpredictable he can be, you can't risk him using your account and putting you in the red. Bank charges for overdrawn accounts could very quickly wipe your account dry. And how safe is the shared savings account when Steve is prone to online buying of random things? I'd be keeping a very close eye on all transactions in future.

flis said...

At least you of aware of his actions - I'm keeping an eye on my concerns too -As he is not right for sure x

Anonymous said...

My old Nan used to say a woman should have a little bit of her own money saved and stashed away,that a husband didn't know sbout (in my Nans case it was hidden amongst the Daz washing powder, in the Daz box -if she ever gave you a pound note, it reeked of Daz)
My motto is never, ever have a joint account and never share banking details.
It just saves so many issues.
I went out and earnt it and paid into my own pension, therefore it's not for anyone else to have any kind of access to it or to decide what to do with it. I'd change your banking details Hester, the bully won't be able to make a 'mistake' again

Joyce said...

Sometimes loss of math ability is an early sign of dimentia.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...