Friday, 13 October 2023

Over the worst.

I've finally rejoined the land of the living!

Although the pain subsided after a week I still felt dreadful, I couldn't think what I needed when Steve shopped last week, hence there was very little I could eat.

A neighbour was very kind and made me a huge pot of vegetable stew, just the ticket.

Fortunately I was feeling better by this Thursday when Steve placed the Tesco order so I was able to order some decent food ready for delivery this morning.

Steve has little to no grasp of healthy eating, if I ask him to buy me apple's he's most likely to buy apple pie. He believes fresh fruit and veg are dirty as they are grown outside!

His attitude to food is obsessive, apart from potatoes the only veg he eats is lettuce in his lunchtime sandwich. He eats ham sandwiches every day and has fried food for his evening meal everyday. I've tried to explain that this isn't health but he doesn't accept this. Because he uses the air fryer  he thinks he's not eating fried food. He doesn't understand that the stuff he's eating was fried before it was frozen.


Anonymous said...

Aye and the apples in the apple pie were grown outside!
I'm glad you are feeling better.

Ellen D. said...

I'm glad you are feeling better!

My Piece of Earth said...

Glad you are feeling better, a good hot stew always goes down nicely when you are just getting over a bad spell of health.

Does he eat eggs? They come out of where? Dirty! I would say so.

Sending a long distance hug

LameWolf said...

Thank goodness for the kind neighbour! So glad you're feeling better.
Steve's attitude to fresh fruit'n'veg reminds me of the elderly lady who lived next door to me years ago; she saw me go into the garden to pick some herbs to use in the day's dinner, and asked what I was doing. When I told her, she said "Ewwww! Out of the dirty ground! I wouldn't eat those!" She was of an age where she'd surely have known Digging For Victory; but it seems she believed herbs come in nice clean little packets from the supermarket, and most certainly not out of the dirty ground!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...