Wednesday, 18 October 2023


 Rambler, yes, in theory if Steve started attending the quiz mornings I'd have to stop as Beano doesn't cope well with being left. He doesn't do any damage but just sits, frozen with fear until we return. Fortunately Steve doesn't enjoy quizzes.

Unknown, I'm very confused by the gentleman with no peripheral vision, he had his licence taken away some time ago but managed to get it returned. Nobody knows how he managed this as we know he asked his Dr and the Dr refused to help him as he knew he was dangerous in the car. It's a mystery.


Eileen H said...

Did he have his licence returned though, I don't know if there is a way to find out.

Col said...

It could be worth enquiring of the DVLA as to whether Mr XXXX has indeed had his Driving Licence returned to him, or whether he's just decided to drive without it.
My late father in law had his licence removed after he had a few near misses, although in his case it was just him being arrogant and a lousy driver.
As far as we knew, he had sold his car back to the dealer, and were shocked to see him driving it almost six weeks later. We turned around and followed him, all the way to his house, only to discover that he had been hiding it in his garage and had never actually stopped driving.
My husband gave him a good shouting at, and I took the keys off him, then searched the house until I found the spares, as he wouldn't tell us where they were. Then husband went into garage, put his Dad's own wheel clamp on the car, locked it, and we brought the keys to our house!
The following day we got in touch with the local dealer, and forced his dad to sell it!
We didn’t tell the Police or DVLA, as there was no way he was ever going to access that car again, and of course, without his license he couldn't buy another one!
It was a long time before I stopped calling him a callous moron though! X

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...