Saturday, 21 October 2023

This and that.

Whilst a lot of the country is struggling with flooding, all we've had is a bit of rain. I noticed the river is is running high when I walked Beano in the park this morning and the marina FB page showed the boats sitting high against the jettys.

Phil the plumber was here again this morning for a couple of hours and has done more work on the bathroom. He's coming over again on Wednesday when hopefully it will be finished.

Steve and Harry are shopping on Monday for the coloured silicon to finish off the floor.

Steve hates the winter and the rain so is complaining a lot. Beano also hates the rain so we have to dodge the showers when we walk.

We have no tumble dryer or outdoor drying space here so I'm considering buying a Lakeland heated airer. I had one years ago and found it quite successful. Next month I will make the last payment on my hearing aids so I might have a look at the Lakeland site.


Anonymous said...

Hi, it is worth looking at the Lakeland Outlet site on ‘eBay’, all goods certified and fulfilled by Lakeland. I got their mini bread maker for £44 instead of £90 absolutely perfect except the instruction booklet was a photocopy so no complaints from me, gosh we enjoy fresh bread. Stay well and give Beano an ear scratch from me!! Jan in Castle Gresley

flis said...

I've been thinking whether to get one of those too - This week I've struggled with wet stuff - Mainly dog stuff-towels,leads and coats - I no longer have a tumble dryer -I have a wooden pulley thingy hanging on the kitchen ceiling loaded full with dog things -Stays damp though and he's moaning about it and it's only October x

Gill said...

I bought my heated airer from Aldi, so its long rather than high, but works perfectly well

Col said...

I've had my Lakeland heated airer for many years now, and it's great.
I bought the largest one, which was fine in our old house, but possibly a bit too big in this bungalow. However, I leave one side of it in the folded position and it fits fairly well in the dining room.
I do have a tumble drier out in the garage, and plenty of outside drying space, but use the heated airer a lot in winter, it's a lot cheaper than running the drier and has the added benefit of putting a bit of heat into whichever room it's in.
We bought one for our son and daughter in law too, they're quite a sporty family, and it's great for getting their sports gear dry quickly!

Rambler said...

I bought a de-humidifier which keeps my bungalow damp-free and also dries the washing very well; the washing is placed on the clothes horse in the same area as the de-humidifier, either the hall or the smallest bedroom.

Lyssa Medana said...

I've found dehumidifiers incredibly useful.

Mo said...

Hi Hester, I bought my heated airer from John Lewis nearly 2 years ago; after much research I found it the best price and quality, also come with a 2 year warrenty; it was £100 but worth every penny as it fits loads of washing and is cheap to run; they sell out very quickly though.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...