Saturday, 13 February 2021

Boat size for JanF

 The useable inside area of the boat is about 450 square feet.

Beano, for some reason is scared of the tape measure, so all the measurements are approximate.

The boat is divided in to three sections. 

1) The bedroom which is 10ft by 10ft is at the front of the boat, it has double doors that lead to the how deck.

2) The bathroom which is 7ft by 6ft as there is a corridor leading past it to the to the bedroom. There is no bath just a shower, toilet and basin.

3) The kitchen is 7ft by 10 ft, it contains a washing machine, fridge, cooked and three cupboards. There are no wall cupboards just windows. The saloon is 15 ft by 10ft, this is divided from the kitchen by the breakfast bar which is almost 4ft wide and so buggers up the measurements somewhat.

The only free standing furniture is the sofa bed, coffee table, upright freezer and the kitchen stools, everything else is fitted



The Weaver of Grass said...

Sounds quite cosy living. Can you keep warm in winter?

Ellen D. said...

Like living in an RV, I imagine, except it floats and rocks! Every inch has a purpose, right?

Hard up Hester said...

Weaver, in theory yes the boat is warm. We have a multi fuel stove and central heating. In practice I find it hard to keep warm despite wearing a multitude of layers, because as soon as I put the central heating on Steve strips down to his boxers and wants all the doors and Windows open! It's been minus 3 here for the last week or so and I've had the heating on for an hour a day.

In summer I'm too hot because we always moor in full sun so as to keep the solar panels topped up.

The Love Of Nostalgia said...

It sounds so perfectly thought out! Lovely although I bet it can get cold.

JanF said...

Thank you for this, no wonder you are an organized person! It does sound charming to an outsider, but I know from your posts that it's hard work, especially in your current situation with Steve. I can visualize it so much better now that you have given details.


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.