Monday, 1 February 2021

OTT's and other lodgers

 I always tried to have lodgers who only needed a short-term let, that way if someone was a PITA I didn't have to put up with them for long.

I used to contact large companies near where I lived as they often need to put people up for a few weeks and lodgings are cheaper than hotels.

Most of my lodgers were lovely, there was the French man who was an expert on the Lascaux cave paintings, a lovely lady from Zimbabwe, a Welsh rugby player and an Italian pediatrician who had two phones, one for his wife and one to his mistress!

Some were challenging, like the vegetarian who didn't eat vegetables, the young lady who climbed out the window to go clubbing and was bought back by a  neighbour who was a taxi driver and the German lady who, after a very acrimonious divorce, adhered to the "All men are bastards" school of thought and almost spat every time Steve entered a room.

Katy was In a class of her own, she was an innocent abroad, her time keeping was appalling, she missed trains and buses regularly as she assumed they would wait for her. She got into scrape after scrape but was such a sweetie.


Debby said...

With that much entertainment, you hardly needed television!

Diary of a Nobody said...

How can anyone be a vegetarian if they don't like vegetables . I did meet a vegetarian here in France who would rather eat pork if he did not fancy the vegetarian option .

mamasmercantile said...

My goodness, chaos but entertaining. I am laughing I have never coe across a vegetarian who doesn't eat vegetables.

Hard up Hester said...

The vegetarian lodger would only eat Linda McCartney type food!

My Piece of Earth said...

There are all kinds of people in this world, I think you had them all.

Ellen D. said...

You have so many clever ways to save money! You are a brave woman, Hester!

JanF said...

You have enough material for a very funny book! Did you ever consider it, even if just for the family?


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.