Tuesday, 16 February 2021



As a change from making butterflies I'm making hearts.
These also use a Bella Coco pattern and can be found on YouTube.


Chris said...

They're cute! What will you use them for?

JanF said...

They are adorable, wouldn't a row of them look cute on a little girl's cardigan?

Debby said...

Oh, I love the cardigan idea! So sweet! Your hands are never still, are they?

My Piece of Earth said...

Nice, what are you planning to do with them

Anonymous said...

Just a thought, you could string the hearts and some of the pretty butterflies along a piece of ribbon (or a long crochet chain) and make cute bunting for one of your lovely Grand-daughters.

Caroline x

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...