Sunday, 21 February 2021


 I made Yorkshire puddings today to go with the roast beef, I usually use frozen ones for convenience but I forgot to put them on the shopping list. 

Sometimes when I make them they are a bit flat but this time!e they rose well.

I have some batter left and will make pancakes tomorrow, I could make more Yorkshire puddings but I find that home made ones tend to get crushed in the freezer.

There is a strong smell of cannabis drifting through the boat, I know which boater it will be and he's usually quiet when he's stoned.

Beano didn't want to walk far today but as he walked almost 4 miles on Friday and the same on Saturday I'm happy for him to have a lazy day.


The Love Of Nostalgia said...

I love homemade Yorkshire puddings! Maybe Beano has been breathing in the cannabis fumes!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Think most folk buy frozen Yorkshires these days. My mother would be horrified! Good idea to make pancakes today - wish I was near enough to pop in for one - I love them - straight out of the pan and swimming in lemon juice not cannabis so would hope the smell has gone by today.

Ellen D. said...

I had to google them to see what Yorkshire puddings look like. Do you fill them with something? We have "popover" which they say are similar but I think popovers are always filled with whipped cream or custard filling.

flis said...

I have just been in the garden with my dogs and there is a strong smell of cannabis here too but I don't mind that as much as when the awful smell of crack cocaine invades my house -that really worries me and it gives me migraines-I've told the police and my doctor but no one's bothered x

Debby said...

We have a long horizontal window above our bed. In the summer on a cool night, we turn on a window fan to bring the cool night air in before we go to bed. One night we discovered we had new neighbors. The bedroom was filled with pot smoke.

Debby said...

Swimming in lemon juice. I never heard of that. Here we use maple syrup.

JanF said...

Debby, pancakes in the UK are like crepes and not like the American pancakes.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...