Sunday, 7 February 2021


 No snow here yet but it's very cold.

I've filled the coal bucket up and filled the water tank as well, if it gets really cold the water pipes on the marina freeze and then we have to carry water from the toilet block.

I watched a program last night about Broadmoor hospital. I had an uncle who was committed there during the 2nd world war. He became convinced that Hitler would win the war. As his wife worked in the NAAFI, he believed that she and their children would be tortured for information. To save them from this he attempted to murder them all. 

A few years after the war ended it as suggested that he be released into the care of his wife. She felt unable to have him return so he stayed in Broadmoor until his death in the 1970's. He had periods of sanity but became ill during the Aden crisis and other threats of war. I know he was badly affected by what he saw during WW1, nowadays he would probably be diagnosed with PTSD.  His wife never divorced him and visited him regularly despite the distance involved. 


ShellyC said...

It is nice to hear that your uncle still had visits from his wife. Sometimes people are put into these institutions for whatever reason and the family and visits drift away.
I briefly worked in a Psychiatric unit specializing in older adults. Some of the women were from the original workhouse. There crime? To have had a baby out of wedlock in the dim and distant past. Disowned by family and friends. When workhouses finally closed they tried to put these women in a community setting. Well obviously having been 'put away' for so many years it was never going to happen.
It felt so unsettling to me. But at least they were safe, I suppose.

Chris said...

That's a horrifying story - so sad for the family but lovely that his wife stood by him.

mamasmercantile said...

Such a sad thing, poor man. A sprinkling of snow here that disappeared as quickly as it came.

AnjiDot said...

That was such an interesting programme and a good comparison of how things have moved forward.

Eleanor said...

What a sad story and such a loyal wife. He was lucky to have her poor man.

The Love Of Nostalgia said...

That is so sad. The First World War took such a terrible toll on so many soldiers. It is heart breaking to think of them.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...