Saturday, 27 February 2021

They're coming to get me!

 I've had a few phone calls from lately from  numbers I don't recognise, I only answer the phone when Dd2 phones. She  phones once a fortnight at most. She says " The kids have gone, are you ready" I tell her I'm ready and I set off to walk Beano in the same field she is walking her dog. 

I had seven voicemail messages, some I couldn't hear but two of them I could. They stated that my National Insurance number had been compromised and that I must press one immediately. Otherwise agents were on their way to arrest me!

Some time ago I had a similar call from Bank of England they also threatened to arrest me. I didn't realise I was such a desperate criminal!

These calls must worry some people and they get conned into handing over their bank details. Personally I'd shoot the buggers who make these calls.


Margie from Toronto said...

I do sympathize! I agree that whatever the punishment - it should be at least doubled! The problem is - many of these calls originate from another country and shutting them down is a nightmare and often dangerous. One of our TV channels did a documentary on this issue a couple of years ago and they had to be protected and hidden for much of their time overseas because the money involved was so great that the perpetrators were willing to kill - never mind hand out bribes left, right and centre in order to be protected. I think all we can do is warn people repeatedly and ask families to look out for more vulnerable family and friends.

The Canadian Govt. has started a series of commercials aimed at this issue.

Rambler said...

I've had a spate of these scam calls in recent weeks - some supposedly from Amazon, to say that my Prime account is ending and I need to pay £79.99 to renew it, then inviting me to 'press 1 to query it'.. Others say that BT are about to cut my telephone and internet because of suspicious activity on my account. Press 1 to find out more'. Then there's the one from 'your bank' advising me that a purchase costing £1200 has been noted on my account; please press 1 to verify or refute this purchase'. Not just one a day, more like several daily. So damn frustrating!

JacquieB said...

Shooting is too good for them.

Debby said...

We get a half dozen a day. Frustrating. What is really the most heartbreaking thing, to me, is that the victims are usual the most lovely trusting people.

JanF said...

We had one a few weeks ago, a recorded voice, and it came every 15 mins for 6 hours- same voice and message from different phone numbers. I started writing them down and stopped at 30 numbers. If it happens again I shall take the phone off the hook, didn't think of it at the time as I had notified our phone company and hoped they'd stop it.

Frugally challenged said...

I've invested in a very loud whistle.

happy hooker said...

Yes, we get those annoying calls too. I have call block on my phone, but they just change the number. As you say, I feel for the vulnerable. I can only hope that karma eventually catches up with these b******s, if the police don't get there first. xx

mamasmercantile said...

I had the same call but it is worrying that someone could fall for this.

Amanda said...

If I don't recognize the caller, I don't even pick up the phone. Legitimate callers will leave a message, the rest, well, you said it best. They're mostly automated anyway. Now if I could just train the SO to stop answering the door when we don't know the person on the the other side. They're always trying to sell something, the answer is always no, so why even open it to their Covid-carrying asses?

Joyce said...

MIL got tagged a couple of weeks ago! We only found out when she asked son to take her into town so she could buy some prepaid credit cards. She’d been told and told not to answer calls when she did not know the caller, but..... .
I am much younger and I find it hard not to answer the “ land line” when it rings so I understand the impulse. Years ago a woman where I volunteered had sent $1500.00 to “ bail out” her grandson.
There is a special ring in hell for these scammers.

flis said...

Some days I get about 4 calls and they say they are going to cut my internet off and so I just end the call-they haven't come to arrest me yet as they sound as if they are in another country x

Col said...

Anyone in the UK who has their landline with SKY, can have SKY Talk Shield put on their phone. It costs no extra for SKY Talk customers, to install, or run. We have a list of numbers which get straight through to us, our family and friends. All other calls are screened, and the caller has to identify themselves verbally. This, of course, stops automated calls, as they cannot answer when asked to identify themselves, and if it's a nuisance caller, we can refuse to accept the call, and block the number. It's the best thing since you know what (for those of you not in the UK, best thing since sliced bread is a saying here), and has reduced our calls to just the ones we want!


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.