Friday, 5 February 2021

Why I was living on the cheap

 The first time was because we moved from Bristol to Berkshire which was a much more expensive area. We moved into a house that was a wreck with no heating and no bathroom or kitchen.

Things improved slowly but ten years later, my then husband lost his dad and he became depressed, obsessive and controlling.

Over the next five or six years he became obsessed with saving money, insisted on having control of all the finances even the family allowance. Took away an inheritance I received, money I earned in my business and when I took  a second job took that money too.


JanF said...

Were you very young when you married him? Did you feel "stuck" because you had children?

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

That sounds awful, it must have been a very difficult time for you.

Ellen D. said...

I am sorry to hear you had a rough experience with your previous husband. You must be a strong woman.


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.