Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Chicken casserole

 When I went shopping I bought a spatchcock chicken and a bag of Mediterranean veg. Both reduced, I paid just under £2 for both of them.

I roasted the chicken and fried up the veg in the pan I'd just used to cook bacon in for Steve's bacon sarnie. I ate most of the veg on bagels over two meals with some cream cheese. I made chicken sandwiches with the chicken. As Steve is stuck in bed, sandwiches are the easiest thing to eat.

Today I stripped the meat from the chicken and boiled up the carcass for stock. I made loads of stock so some went with the chicken and some in the freezer for soup another day. 

Into the casserole dish with the chicken went two cold cooked  sausages, half a rasher of bacon, the last few bits of Mediterranean veg, half a carrot and half a jacket potato. I haven't added much seasoning as there were herbs on the chicken and in the sausages. I brought the whole lot to the boil on the hob and then put it on top of the stove until this evening. The casserole will be sufficient for two or three meals so some may go into the freezer.


Poppypatchwork said...

Best meals ever, all in the pot, whatever you have.

Col said...

Nothing around here is ever reduced that much. The least I have ever paid was, coincidentally, a spatchcocked chicken, and that was £3.50, the date was that day, and this was an hour before the shop would close. I don't know why it is, but managers in this area would rather throw food away than reduce prices right down. Then again, maybe the biggest reductions are done when the only folk left in the store are the staff!
Your casserole looks lovely, really rich and thick (sounds like the perfect man!!!), any chance of popping some in the post to send up to the frozen north?
Speaking of frozen, we're so lucky at the moment, it's brass monkey weather, but wall to wall sunshine, not a cloud in our bright blue sky, and not a hint of snow! We're walking on the beach every day, then home for hot soup and home made bread!
We, like you, have been supporting small local businesses as much as we can during lockdown, we have a local micro brewery, and although we drink very, very little, we get a couple of cans a month from there, they do a chocolate and hazelnut porter that is fabulous! We also have a young couple who started a coffee shop a matter of weeks before Covid hit. They're a hard working couple, she's a wonderful baker, they were quickly building up a regular clientele, and then it all went pear shaped! They were a whisker away from losing their business, but just in time started doing takeaway or delivered breakfasts, lunches and afternoon teas. A couple of times a month we'll have an afternoon tea from them, and as our son and daughter in law are both working from home, we get their lunch delivered to them once a week as a treat!
Our local farm shops are doing much better than before the lockdown too, as are the butchers and fishmongers, people seem to be turning back to the old ways of shopping, not just everything from one giant supermarket. I've always preferred to shop locally, I hope more people continue to do it when we're clear of this virus!
I hope Steve's feeling better today! X

JanF said...

I believe there is nothing to beat a whole chicken for value, you can create so many different meals from one, and everyone seems to enjoy it.

My Piece of Earth said...

Sounds good. Mum used to say ..everything but the kitchen sink soup.
Cleans up leftovers and provides a nourishing meal...in your case several meals. Well done.

Ellen D. said...

That is a good hearty soup to have when one is not feeling well. Hope that helps Steve get back on his feet.

Jo said...

Just thanking you for the instructions for woodburner baked potatoes. They were great : )
I have cooked lots of soups and stew and flatbreads on top of the woodburner, just not baked potatoes inside.


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.