Friday, 26 February 2021

Starting the day with a giggle.

 This morning I put wet dog food on my muesli instead of milk.

There really is no hope for me is there!

Siebre I'm so sorry, divorce is never easy. I wish you luck on your journey.

Shelly, I have a clear mask, I just wish other people wore them.


Ellen D. said...

Hope you discovered your error before you took a bite! :)

Amanda said...

Had a friend who thought her cereal tasted really funny. Then she realized she had put her cereal in the cat's bowl and the cat food in her cereal bowl. So nobody was happy.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Oh dear - haven't reached that stage yet I hope.

flis said...

A while ago I thought I'd taste a bit of my dogs tinned food even though I'm vegetarian-I didn't like it x

Jaccs said...

You must be barking mad to put that on your muesli, it surely goes against the grain or nuts!!!


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.