Monday, 15 February 2021

Lazy cook.

 I'll hold my hands up to being a lazy cook, show me a recipe with 15 ingredients or more and I'll turn away. Most of my !Dale contain six ingredients or less.

I'm the same with recipes that take hours to prepare as well. I cooked Chow Mein today, I used a mandolin to slice everything, it took 20 minutes from the first onion being sliced  to serving it up, and Steve ate it.

Partly it's to with Steve being a fussy eater, I'm buggered if I'm going to spend hours peeling, chopping, stirring and tweaking only for Steve to ask for a pot noodle. 


crafty cat corner said...

We went vegetarian for years and I spent so much time chopping and grinding, the meals were lovely but I have no enthusiasm for that any more. Ready meals suit me now. lol

Chris said...

I actually find cutting and chopping therapeutic. I think it has to do with violent behaviour! But I am with you on complicated recipes with twenty hundred ingredients!

Col said...

I used to love pottering for hours in the kitchen, but my bad back has put paid to that! I still enjoy spending lots of time and effort over making meals, but have to use my perching stool a lot, which isn't ideal!
As we've just had quite a lot of work done on the bungalow, almost all of my cookery books are at present packed away in boxes in various nooks and crannies, and I'm desperate to get them back out. The new bookcase is getting delivered next Tuesday, so I've not got much longer to wait, then I'll be back cooking up a storm!
I don't know how you cope with Steve being a fussy eater, it'd drive me round the bend. My Dad knew that if something was cooked and put in front of him, he was expected to eat it, and my husband is much the same. When I met my husband, he wouldn't eat pasta, noodles, rice, garlic, curry, chilli, pizza, or in fact anything remotely away from the normal everyday English food. Now, however, he's as big a 'foodie' as you could meet, and probably spends as much time as I do with his nose in a cook book. He's not the most confident cook, but should have more faith in himself, because he's actually pretty good! Oh, and if he ever dared to request a Pot Noodle, he'd find himself wearing it!!!

JanF said...

I am also a lazy cook and baker. Anything fancy we can eat out normally on special occasions. I cook meals which will be enough for two dinners and any "bits" left over go in the soup. I agree with you that it's not worth the hassle of doing too much for a fussy eater.

The Love Of Nostalgia said...

Me too Hester. The more simple the better. I look at some recipe books now and wonder does anyone have all these ingredients in their cupboard!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...