Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Living on the cheap 4


Wear layers and keep lots of throws around to save putting he heating on.

I used to fill the oven on Sundays, I'd cook the Sunday roast and enough cakes and biscuits for lunch boxes and snacks. The rest of the week I'd try to cook just using the hob though I also has a slow cooker  and a Remoska.

I'm lucky on the boat I have the multifuel stove, we use it to heat the boat but whilst it's lit it means I can also cook on it.

Today I made a lamb casserole, in fact I started it the night before, I have a cast iron casserole dish, I put the lamb in it with some sliced onion, carrot, mixed herbs and a couple of stock cubes The casserole sat on top of the stove until 5 o'clock today. The lamb was melt in the mouth tender, I served it with plain boiled potatoes.

Once a week at least we have jacket potatoes that have been cooked in the stove, we also have a ridge monkey. We can cook toasted sandwiches and sausages etc in it it all saves on the gas.


The Weaver of Grass said...

I use my Remoska all the time and rarely put my oven on as I only cook for one.

mamasmercantile said...

Such a good idea to use the multi fuel stove to cook some meals, I should do that more often.

Jo said...

How do you cook the baked potatoes in the woodburner please? Do you just wrap them in foil? And how many hours do you reckon it takes - roughly because I know it varies according to the size of the potato.

Hard up Hester said...

Jo we wrap them in two layers of foil, they take about 45 minutes to an hour depending on size.

Kim said...

All great ideas, we heat mostly by propane and supplement by wood stove. I love having the ability to use the wood coals to cook!

Jo said...

Thank you. We will give the potatoes a try and see how we get on : )


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.