Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Short fuse

 I'm lacking sleep and very irritable. I feel like Shirley MacLaine in Steel Magnolias. Where she says she isn't mad, she's just been in a really bad mood for the last thirty years!

My sleep is full of anxious dreams mainly about things I'm trying to sort out, cancelling mifi, arranging to vote and to fill in the census forms electronically and the ongoing saga of contacting the Drs surgery who, despite us being registered with them for 15 years, need us to prove we exist.

I've taken to Twitter to resolve one problem and although it looks like this has worked, I shouldn't have to use a public platform to resolve a problem. 

I have ongoing problems with being able to hear so joined a hearing loss group and have had some very good, helpful advice.

I now have a list of legal acts that I can quote to try to resolve situations and make companies aware that they are behaving in a discriminatory fashion.

Steve ordered two water butts and spent yesterday fitting them to the cratch board, he'd ordered many fittings, some of which didn't fit, some he broke. We had a trip to B&Q, their stocks are very low so he was unable to get his fill of tool porn. He did manage to soak himself and the almost filled  the bow with water!

Looking on the bright side, at least it got him out of bed. I'm sure lying in bed in a darkened room for weeks on end does noting for his state of mind.

He has always hated the dark days of winter, I once bought him a SAD lamp, he unpacked it, turned it on for a few seconds, decided it didn't work and threw it away!


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I hope your quotes make those companies change their ways and start helping people with hearing disabilities better. I really feel your frustration.

Ellen D. said...

I have more trouble hearing now that we are wearing masks. Muffled mumbling! My hearing aids just don't do it but I don't want to spend more $$ on new ones. I will look for a group like you found.

JanF said...

On a recent visit to my husband's audiologist I noticed that the entire staff were wearing rather odd looking masks. The centre part was cut out and replaced with see through vinyl. I thought it looked weird but realized that it must be so that people can read
their lips. Clever , since everyone coming to that office is there for a hearing problem.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I think we are all getting to this stage now - it is almost a year since we had normal life. Roll on the warmer weather I say.

flis said...

I think men are not good when they have too much free time-the one here is sort of ok if I can get him interested in a task but of course it has to be in his own good time and in his own unnecessarily difficult way of doing it x

Siebrie said...

Mine blamed me for not providing the entertainment every evening (not sexual, but he also didn't make it clear what he did mean). I suggested board games, watching a film together (but our tastes are too different to do this regularly), learning a new craft or skill, but they were all shut down. He preferred to lie on the sofa and watch his films or telephone with his friends and relatives, in the living room, loudly, so I couldn't watch anything myself; I go into the kitchen if I want to call someone for a proper catch-up. Then, he got involved with a political party for his home country. Excellent! It's been about 4 years now, at least 1 night a week; he also started a side business of scouting for good secondhand cars to send to his home country (buyer sent money, he would buy and export - no financial risk to us).

And then, with the more severe lockdown, I discovered 2 weeks ago, that the political party was partially a cover.... for a concubine.... So, now I have something to fill my evenings: figuring out how to get divorced with the least financial and emotional impact for me and our 2 daughters. I'm guessing it will take about a year, just to untangle the financial bits, before I confront him. We have investments in his home country that need to come back here, we have applied for a higher mortgage to renovate the house we live in. We need both incomes to apply for the mortgage, but I'm confident I can carry it on my own. I'm currently checking all our pension plans, making sure either I and/or daughters are mentioned explicitly as his benificiaries.

ShellyC said...

You can now get a clear plastic face shield, worn over your ears like glasses. Normal glasses can be worn with it.
Saves any lip reading problems and is washable as well
Doesn't really fog up either

Col said...

I bought my mum a SAD lamp, she used it daily and it definitely improved her mood.
I have it now, and, to be honest, had put it in the loft and forgotten about it. I dug it out a few weeks ago, and use it on dull days or when I can't get out into the sun. It does seem to brighten my moods a bit, I suffer with depression anyway, so am not expecting miracles, but it really does seem to help!
We both also take Vit D during winter, as we're not getting it from sunlight, maybe that helps too, who knows?
Your Steve needs to spend more time outside, even if he's only sitting outside on the boat, maybe seeing new life, be it plant or animal, would help him, and therefore you!
I'm tired of having to shout at companies and organisations to get them to do what they're there for, but am hoping that when we finally get back to a normal-ish life, they might start to pull their fingers out, as we'll be able to get at them more easily!
Chin up Sue, we need to pull our big girl knickers up, dig in our heels, and keep buggering on!!! X

Liz said...

clear face masks are useful to you - but only if other people wear them! You might find this more useful - https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/878898526/triple-layer-cotton-face-mask-adult-size?ref=shop_home_active_1&frs=1&crt=1 - I belong to a hearing dog group and a number of their members swear by them. (and yes, I have a hearing dog myself, a gorgeous black lab who is trained to tell me when the door goes, the smoke alarm goes, that kind of thing!). I would recommend you get one but I know that they won't consider it until your dogs are over a certain age or have passed away, so maybe in a few years? Good luck!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...