Saturday, 20 February 2021

Remember the boater

 Who's children were taken in to care?

What would you do it that were you?

What I wouldn't do is have a huge tatoo  and pose naked on Facebook to show it off, neither would I get engaged to someone, break off said engagement and post the accompanying slanting match on Facebook!

Me, I'd move heaven and earth before it got to that stage. I know from DD1 that there is a desperate shortage of foster carers so social workers only take children as a last resort. 

I'm sure it's difficult if drugs and alcohol play a huge role in your life, to get your life back on track.

There are choices to be made and they are hard, some people find it difficult to make sensible choices.


crafty cat corner said...

Unfortunately, when drugs or drink is involved you can talk until the cows come home to these people and get nowhere. They have a strong hold over people even to the point of the children being neglected. I'm not sticking up for them but having experienced the hold this has over a person I know how hard it is to kick the habit and common sense and responsibility just goes out of the window. My Grandson was heavily into drink and drugs and it took a long time for him to realise that he couldn't go on. No amount of talk did any good.
It's sad for the children as they didn't ask for a messed up life and your daughter is a saint for doing what she is doing.

Fishcake_random said...

I'm so glad those children are away from it all and in a safe and loving place.
Your daughter is wonderful



 The legend of Bert and Dreary.