Thursday, 24 September 2015

A Good Wife

My beloved is unwell, it is labyrinthitis, unfortunately he couldn't stop throwing up long enough to get to the Dr's until today.
We got as far as the front door to work on Tuesday when he started to be sick. I unlocked the main building, but then had to bring him home.
He is a hideous patient, needy and bad tempered, constantly wanting help, a drink, entertaining etc, but everything I do and say is wrong. I'm wearing a path in the carpet up and down stairs every time he calls, hey ho, hopefully he'll feel better soon. He has seasickness pills to take & has to return to the Dr's next week.


kate steeper said...

You have my deepest sympathy so, there's nothing quite like a sick bloke, everything is terminal for them

Hard up Hester said...

Oh Kate, that is so true, I had the same thing last year and got bugger all sympathy from him.

lynda said...

I have had that too...nasty business. All I did was take the tablets and sleep, as they knocked me right out. I live in fear it will come back...
Your baking sounds delicious! Glad you were there for GS. Nice to know he knows he can depend in you!

Linda Metcalf said...

Sounds very familiar!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...