Friday, 25 September 2015

DGD is so funny

Today was shaping up to be the day from hell.
I made cakes last night for the Macmillan sale so I was late to bed and tired this morning.
Mr Grumpy is feeling slightly better, but is grumpy because he's not well enough to go to work.
He is worried as one of his colleagues has given in his notice so that just leaves 2 people to do the work of 3.
I was given a large amount of work to do and asked to bill it against a different department to the one that should pay.
I don't have the authority to swap budgets, neither does the person who made the request. 
I queried the swap with the budget holder and my line manager.
At that point everything went to hell in a handbasket and I became Public Enemy No. 1. I was glad to get away!
I collected DGD from school, took her to dance class, brought her home, we made chocolate muffins & crispy cakes.
We also had a really funny conversation:-

DGD 'Nana, you know you old mummy'
Me 'Yes, I remember my mummy'
DGD 'She's dead'
Me 'Yes, she's been dead a long time' (20 years)
DGD 'She gave my mummy a Marry Me ring'
Translation, my mum left her jewellery to me and asked that some be passed on to my DD's, one of the items I gave to DD was her engagement ring. Hence 'Marry Me' ring. I just love the random assortment of items that come up for discussion with children.

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