Friday, 4 September 2015

TFI Friday

What  week:-

New staff, the usual mix of the weird and the wonderful.

New machines, these are really struggling and I've been advised to only do small runs as the machines can't cope.

New students, also a mix of the weird and the wonderful.

New timetables, total chaos.

New boss.

New caterers, the food is really good.

Everything is in turmoil, apart from the new boss who is doing a great job, thankfully!

On the home front, the booze is coming along nicely.
Vodka on the left, gin on the right.

My L&M is 60 tomorrow, I've only bought him a pair of slippers as his trip to Silverstone to watch the GP was his big present.

We did go to the carvery for a meal tonight, we got there in time for the early bird offer so it was only £15 for 2 courses & drinks for the 2 of us.

We took DGD to her dance class, but we don't have any DGC staying over night as we are visiting MIL tomorrow.

Also we are knackered as my L&M has done mixed shifts this week which meant him working until 9:45 one evening & then being back at work by 6 in the morning. I did manage to get a load of washing done before we went out this evening and it's now hanging on the line.

My Neal's Yard venture is going well, I have 3 parties booked and orders are trickling in via the website and catalogues.


Sue in Suffolk said...

Just think....... one day, probably after you've retired, they will install super dupa copier and other machines in your work place and then everything will be quick and easy!! or maybe not!

markdebby said...

Happy birthday L&M

Rambler said...

Hopefully the chaos of the new term will soon settle into a steady routine, bringing order and less stress to your working life.
As a Formula 1 fan myself, I'm sure your 'beloved' will thoroughly appreciate and enjoy his birthday trip to Silverstone (especially if Lewis wins again!)

Anonymous said...

Hester your L&M's hours appear to breach the working hours Directive, see here

Hard up Hester said...

Thanks for all your comments.
Anon, yes he knew he was breaching the directive, but workmate needed to go to the hospital with his wife, so hubby stepped in.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...