Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Oh my poor back

I'm not sure what I've done but I was walking along a corridor today when I was suddenly struck with a severe pain in my back. I managed to get to my office & take a couple of painkillers, after a while they took the edge off the pain, but I couldn't bend or twist for some time. It still hurts if I take a deep breath but most other movement is manageable now. I'm going to have an early night and hope it's better in the morning. 
Fortunately I had an easy meal planned for tonight.
I cooked some pasta, added some sliced green beans towards the end of the cooking time. Once it was cooked I added some cooked flaked salmon and stirred in a big dollop of quark. I made enough for lunch tomorrow as well.


Anonymous said...

From Margie in Toronto - hope you feel better by the morning - and take it easy tomorrow - no heavy lifting.

Hard up Hester said...

Thanks Margie, I'm feeling much better now

Being careful.

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