Thursday, 11 February 2016

Bargains and whims and payments

I've made another extra mortgage payment, another months interest paid off, another month off the mortgage term.

I popped in to the local Co-op and bought their £5 deal, a large cheese pizza, wedges, chicken goujons, garlic bread & ice-cream, it's all gone in the freezer for when I have the DGC next week, there was no veg with this deal, but I have plenty fresh & frozen.
As hubby is on late's this week I've been checking out the yellow stickers in the supermarket I pass on the way to collect him, so far I've picked up 2 mixed bags of cauli/broccoli & carrots for 17p, 2 bags of courgettes, 3 in a bag, 22p and last night I got a large ham & mozzarella pizza for 27p and a punnet of plums 10p.

We have a very complicated system at work for ordering consumables and stationery etc. Every order goes through 6 people and through one person twice.
This leaves a massive opportunity for error.
Added to this, at any stage, any one of these people can decide that the order is too big, can wait a week/month or isn't needed at all so can be cancelled.
This makes it very difficult to keep in reliable stock levels, now when someone complains that something they need is out of stock I've taken to pointing them in the general direction of the person at the top of the tree with the comment 'Do I look like I'm important enough to make decisions!'


TrishWish said...

What a waste of management time! If they have time to interfere with minor matters what major matters are they not paying attention to? Lovely bargain hunting I miss those trips to and from workplaces and the opportunities to look for yellow stickers used to make up for bad days at work.

Sheila said...

Well done you for pointing people in the right direction.
My best bargain this week was two chunks of lovely vinatge cheddar at half price. There was no meat or veg left.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...