Sunday, 7 February 2016

Comments and a catchup

I am now completely recovered from my cold and it doesn't seem to have left me with a cough
fortunately, my L&M managed to escape catching it.

Anna, sorry to hear you were also married to a bully.

Trishwish, I always have a silly grin on my face, I find it the best way to worry people.

Thank you for all your kind comments about DD losing the house, she is moving into a rented house in a couple of weeks, she and SIL are hiring a van and moving themselves over a few days. WS, she loved your comment about fleas. Unfortunately the contracts were signed but the seller didn't exchange though DD thought they had been.

I've found a solicitor who is happy to act for me with regards to chasing my ex for more money. I have a list of documentation to find and then we will go over it together to see what can be achieved and for how much money. I will make an appointment for half term.

On googling the phrase it seems that 'Bent as a nine bob note' was used in the 50's to describe someone who was gay. Angela, I loved the comment about going straight.

I had an extra blitz on the housework yesterday to make up for everything I didn't do last weekend. Today has been a lazy day as I babysat last night until 12:30. the children were very good so I sat and crocheted with the dog on my knee.

I'm now off to the kitchen to make a batch of jam and a banana loaf, to use up some leftovers.
Boozy jam made, I made 7 jars in total, but gave one away immediately

My L&M doesn't want a roast dinner today, he wants burger in a bun, who am I to quibble, it's an easy meal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your nice to chat to your commenters hope things work out for you with the money and you dd house situation

all the best tessa

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...