Sunday, 14 February 2016

Recipe book clear out

Before I take these to the charity shop does anyone want them?
Vegetarian Kitchen old and battered,

The Cookie and Biscuit Bible, not very old, but not had much use

Frozen Assets, I used this book a lot when the family were young and I was working long hours  running my own business.

Slow Cooker recipes.

The Austerity Cook Book another one that is old and battered.

Slow cooker book, hardly used.

Two copies of Easy Cook magazine, dated Summer 2008

Not recipe books but still kitchen related, 2 poach pockets from Lakeland.


Anonymous said...

I still have that Sarah Brown Vegetarian Book-we used to visit her restaurant in Scarborough before it got all posh and pricey. We have just enjoyed a lovely plate of sweet potato, carrot and ginger soup-all with marked down fresh veg. Added a tin of coconut milk that's been lurking in the cupboard and blitzed the lot. Squeezed in an orange that was looking a bit sad too. Delicious on this very cold day. Catriona

flowertotmum said...

Hi ..i would love the Austerity cook book..if thats ok.with you..i could do with some new recipes to use up bits and bobs..

Hard up Hester said...

Hi Sara, email me your address and I'll post the book to you.

Anonymous said...

These can be a great resources to bake and learning cooking.

Unknown said...

Hester - what a lovely thing to give away your well used cook books - could I perhaps have the Frozen Assets book? I keep trying to batch cook and freeze but don't manage it!

Hard up Hester said...

Hi Jane, yes of course, email me your address and I'll pop it in the post on Monday.

Unknown said...

Done Hester - thanks so much x

Unknown said...

Got the book today - thanks x

Unknown said...

Thanks! I love Cookie and Biscuit Bible, I learn a lot from it. I will recommend this to those who wanted to learn making cookies.

Anonymous said...

This is perfect for those who want to start making cookies.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...