Saturday, 20 February 2016

The never ending tale of DD trying to move

You may remember this happened to DD1.

DD1's house purchase has fallen through 3 days before moving day.
She has decided not to pass the bad luck on down the chain and has found somewhere to rent.

This was all going to plan until Friday morning
She hired a van from Thursday for a week as they had signed the contracts and she was due to collect the keys at 8:30 Friday morning.

When she arrived at the letting agents to collect the keys she was told that the LL had requested an extra 3 months bank statements from DD and her joint account with her hubby.

DD went home, collected them and took them to the agents, the LL pondered for an hour and then said he wanted 6 months of DD's husbands statements, he does online banking and he was at work, DD had to wait for him to get home from work to print them off.

DD offered to pay 6 months rent up front, over £12000, if this would speed things up, the LL agreed, DD transferred the money to the Letting Agent's account, so it is recoverable.

The LL decided that he would still be worried about any following rollover months, so he still wanted to see the extra bank statements.

DD took her husbands statement to the agents she then sat there until 7:30 in the evening when the LL finally admitted he has someone viewing the property today with a view to buying it so he doesn't want to rent it out until these viewers have seen the place and made a decision!

The property has been on the market for 2 years and is way over priced, but he is happy for DD to rent it if these viewers aren't interested!
This morning DD went to look at another property, hubby & I were back on standby to foster her dogs for 6 months if the LL of this property didn't allow dogs. On the way to view the second property DD got a phone call from the agents phone about the property from yesterday, the viewers had changed their minds about looking at the property so did DD want to collect the keys!

Ye gods and little fishes could it get any more stressful or complicated!


Everyday life at Number 38 said...

I'd have said yes we'll take it, at a much lower rental rate. Give LL a taste of his/her own medicine. xx

Anonymous said...

Hester I know DD needs a home for the family but I would have told the Landlord to shove it where the monkey puts his nuts

Marie xx

Pam said...

Given the behaviour of this landlord, I would be very concerned about renting from him/her.

Marjorie said...

I agree with the other comments.

crafty cat corner said...

Caution ! this landlord sounds fishy to me.

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

I hope she told him what he could do with his house, mine would have been a middle finger exercise!!

Softstuff said...

I think I know where I'd like to stuff his keys....

Rambler said...

I agree - I wouldn't want any dealings with this man. I hope he doesn't give them any trouble, especially when DD leaves the property. My son was presented with a huge bill for alleged damage to the property, but luckily, he had taken lots of photos when he first moved in which proved the damage was already done. I advise your daughter to do the same with any wear and tear or damage.

Witch Hazel said...

Make sure that your DD takes photos of EVERY room before she moves in, detailed photos. If there is even the slightest bit of wear, tear or anything, take extra photos.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...