Monday, 22 February 2016

Oh my poor back

Too much lifting and shifting at the weekend helping DD pack ready for the move.

Mind you, sitting on the kitchen floor with a nine & a half stone staffy sat on one leg and a small boy on the other leg, whilst simultaneously reading a story and lobbing Tupperware into a cardboard box probably didn't help.

DGS came round after school, he'd heard me telling someone what I was cooking for tea.

He tucked into roast lamb, roast potatoes, mashed potatoes, peas, broccoli, carrots and gravy, with ice cream for pudding.

I'd defrosted the lamb intending to cook it for Sunday lunch, but I was too knackered after a day packing, so I did bangers and mash on Sunday and the roast dinner tonight.


TrishWish said...

Packing is a real pain. Sometimes bangers and mash is just what is needed!

Everyday life at Number 38 said...

I think I'd have popped round as well if I'd overheard your meal plan. Sounds delicious. xx

Being careful.

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