Saturday, 27 February 2016

How fortuitous

DGS stayed last night, this morning he got dressed into his new tee shirt & joggers and I've washed his school uniform ready for Monday.

Every morning when I go to help with the school run, chaos is caused by everyone's inability to find any clean clothes to wear.

There is a heap, about 5 ft wide & 4 ft high of clean clothes, and it's a mad scrummage to find what people need.

This is why I have bought stuff for DGS so he can have uniform to wear to school, he is at secondary school and so he HAS to have the correct uniform.
The girls are at infants and junior school where things are more relaxed.

Once we'd dropped off DGS home so he could go and play football and collected DGD we went to the DIY shop to get the bits we needed for DD1's plumbing.

We got to DD1's house, she was out getting the children's eye test done, we let ourselves in, the dogs were really pleased to see us and DGD loves dogs as she has one at home.

Hubby first started to plumb in the dishwasher, only to find that the washer needed to stop water leaking was missing.

So hubby turned his attention to the washing machine, this had a mismatch of fittings but as we had an assortment of bits and pieces hubby managed to get it plumbed in.

The waste pipe had been attached with carpet tape, so next he turned his attention to securing this properly.

Whilst all this was going on 2 men and a van turned up delivering a new fridge and freezer.

Hubby stopped what he was doing to help them, they asked what he was doing and he explained and told them about the missing dishwasher washer, it turned out that they had some on their van and gave hubby two, so he was finally able to get the dishwasher plumbed in correctly.

By this time DD1 had returned home and told hubby that two of the showers weren't working so he went to have a look.

They were the same as ones he'd fitted a few years ago when he was working on a new house build, so he got both her showers working.

We then returned home with DGD, she had salami and banana for lunch, her banana and some of my salami and coleslaw.

She also ate a couple of satsumas and drank some milk and water.

SIL collected her about 3:30 and now I'm about to do tea for hubby, I don't know what, but there is lots of stuff in the freezer.

1 comment:

markdebby said...

You are a lovely grandmother. Looking out for your family. They are blessed to have you and L&M

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