Tuesday, 9 February 2016


My little Tete-a-tete are in flower and in front of them a few little crocus. No snowdrops, despite planting them in the green last year.
Hopefully the grape hyacinth will bloom this year.


crafty cat corner said...

Doesn't it make you feel good when the bulbs come poking through. only about 6 weeks to the country car boots, whooo hoooo

Sheila said...

My snowdrops haven't come up either this year. They were planted in the green too.
I have a lovely little clump of Tete-a-tete though and they are so pretty-x-

TrishWish said...

Our snowdrops got moved around a lot last year due to changes in flower beds, this was after flowering, so in the green phase as you say, and they seem to be only just coming up to flower. Very late. Especially as everything else is racing to flower.

Being careful.

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