Tuesday, 2 February 2016

House sale fail

DD1's house purchase has fallen through 3 days before moving day.
She has decided not to pass the bad luck on down the chain and has found somewhere to rent.
This is going to involve her in much more driving to and fro to get the children to school.
Lots of expense, legal fees, survey cost etc, but the biggest crisis was that if she hadn't managed to find somewhere to rent quickly her foster children could have been returned to care as they have now reached the age when they are too old to share a room.
As DD also has dogs it was difficult to find a rented home where the dogs could go to, faced with the choice between losing the dogs and losing the children, there was a possibility the dogs could have been put to sleep, they could not be rehomed because of their age and breed. DD was praying hubby and I would agree to foster the dogs to avoid this.
The estate agent explained all this to the house owner but to no avail.
Still I'm sure the homeowner who withdrew her house from sale at the last moment so she could sell privately is very pleased that she saved herself the estate agents fees!!!


Softstuff said...

Bloody hell Hester. Some people just don't have a conscience. With any luck her private buyers will pull out and she'll get a taste of her own medicine. Hope DD and the kids are ok xx

Lyssa Medana said...

May the fleas of a thousand camels infest that seller's underwear drawer.

Hope the cold is settling down. x

Witch Hazel said...

I hope Karma catches up with her.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how the "private sale" people came to know about the house? If it was online or by seeing the sign, it still counts as fee-able! 😉

Sheila said...

Do you know....I am sick to death of reading about miserable, shitty people. What has happened to kindness these days?
You must just about be at the end of your tether. I know I would be. I hope the house that woman moves into falls down on her.
Hugs for you all-x-

Icey said...

Had your DD exchanged contracts? If so the seller pulling out would be liable to all sorts of charges due to breach of contract
I hope your DD find another house very soon, property buying/selling is so very stressful :(

I also hope Karma comes looking for the seller and bites her on the bum big time!!!

Unknown said...

Like Icey said, if your DD has exchanged contracts then the seller legally has to complete and sell your DD the house. If the seller doesn't comply your DD can sue her for a LOT of money. I really hope it all works out for the best. Here's hoping a better house is waiting for your DD and her family.

Everyday life at Number 38 said...

Happened to my Mum 20+ years ago on the day they were supposed to exchange contracts. The buyer knew Mum was moving to be near my sister after Dad had died and she pulled out at the last minute as she wasn't sure if the house was right for her. Then the cheeky bugger got the solicitor to ring my Mum and ask if she could rent the house for 6 months to see if she really wanted to live there or not. The answer was NO. Some people are unbelievable. Glad your DD has managed to find somewhere, decent rental properties are hard to come by these days. xx

kelley said...

miserable f*cker! wishing your DD and family the best...

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...