Thursday, 3 August 2023

5 a.m. is early even for me.

Beano got me up at 5 as he needed to go out, I'd rather get up than have an accident to clear up after.

It seems Steve has decided to no longer empty the kitchen bin or the recycling.

I was a bit slow on the uptake as I only realised today as I emptied them for the third day running.

This is possibly because he has just forgotten or it could be in retaliation for me refusing to cook for him, hey ho, nemmind. It's a small price to pay.

Steve is currently refusing to wear his hearing aids and I'm getting tired of shouting. He still wears them when he goes to the summer house to mix with the other residents.

I had a nice chat with another resident this morning, she's lovely and always friendly. She doesn't like dogs though isn't afraid of them. I just need to stop Beano getting too close to her as he tries to sit on her feet.

I don't mind if people don't like dogs, especially if they tell, me so I can keep Beano out of their way. I get irritated by people, like the mad cat lady who creates drama and havoc, complaining about Beano terrorising her cat and killing the local pigeons. Beano is terrified of her cat and far too slow to catch a pigeon also he is always on the lead in the grounds.

My youngest son is coming over tomorrow so we can walk Beano together, Beano will walk further if Chris is with us. I'm not sure why he won't walk more when he's with me, he won't wander off if it's just the two of us. Maybe he thinks I need protecting, though I don't know why, I'm not of a nervous disposition and I don't scare easily.

I've tidied all of Harry's stuff up in the hall, this might be a mistake as now there is more room he may just add to it when he gets back from his holiday.


Lyssa Medana said...

Beano is definitely protecting you. Just because you don't think that you need protecting doesn't mean that he'll neglect his duty.

I'm nervous around dogs (bit on the face when very young). I say - I'm a little nervous and most people are lovely and understand. I've had some amazing cuddles from understanding dogs (who work out that not only would I not hurt a whisker on them but that I'm a soft touch for cuddles). Thank you for being so understanding.

A Smaller and Simpler Life said...

Yes 5am is too early, even twenty five to six sounds so much more acceptable doesn't it, I don't mind getting up then when Ginger the cat decides he wants me to let him out.

Perhaps Beano just want to care for you when you are out together and he feels the pressure is off to 'look after Mum' when someone else is walking with you both. It's a nice thing that dogs do, perhaps he's picked up on your sight issues, dogs are clever that way.

flis said...

One of mine barks at dogs if they get close - another just barks at anything - Recently I stood to one side to let 2 ladies pass - one said " I don't like dogs - but I like yours" -For once they were well behaved - I'm very pleased your Son will be accompanying you - I hope that troublemaker sees - I wonder if its her cat killing the pigeons x

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...