Monday, 7 August 2023

New cookbook.

My new cookbook arrived today, it's the Be-Ro book. I used to have a copy but lost it, along with many other items when we moved off the boat. Fed up with constantly having to look up recipes online I finally got round to ordering a new copy and it arrived this morning.

There is a garden I walk past when I'm walking Beano that I particularly enjoy looking at and I told the owner so as she came out of her house. She said she used to have an allotment as well but gave it up last year.

As I walked further I met my upstairs neighbour who was walking her dogs, She was hurrying back to watch yesterday's football that her husband had recorded for her.

Steve's phone seems to have developed a fault, it keeps pinging as though he has received a text message. When he looks there is no message. The phone pings repeatedly throughout the day and night. Steve has resolved this issue by not wearing his hearing aids indoors! I have suggested various things he could try so as to resolve this issue. He refuses as the pinging doesn't bother him!

I have washing drying on the maiden, as there are no drying facilties, I do small amounts of washing every couple of days. Everything needs to be dried indoors with the dehumidifier chugging away. If it's sunny and there is no manager on duty I sometimes stand the maiden by the front door. The nearest launderette is three miles away and not on a bus route!



Moira said...

I love the old cook books recipes work and they do not cost a fortune

A Smaller and Simpler Life said...

Be-Ro books are just such a classic aren't they. I have two, a 1940's one and the most recent reprint, the difference in the style and amount of recipes is amazing, and yet somehow I love the simplicity of the older one.

Perhaps your husbands phone is pinging for text messages or Facebook notifications if he has changed his settings.

Rambler said...

'Borrow' his phone while he's dozing and take the battery or SIM card out!! Lol, lol, lol.
Possibly these are messages to let him know that his inbox is full and there's no space for incoming messages. One day, maybe, it might occur to him that he's no longer getting any messages. Doh!

Angela said...

I love my BeRo book too!

flis said...

If my patience has run out and I have called mine and no answer I have placed his phone at the furthest room in the house and shut the door x

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...