Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Beano has a cob on.

Beano would like to go to bed when Steve does, and he wants me to go too. I don't want to go to bed at 8:30, I prefer to go to bed about 10:30. 

Last night when Steve went to bed Beano sat and stared at me, he wanted me to go to bed as well. But I wouldn't, he sat by my feet staring and whining occasionally. Eventually I picked him up and put him on the sofa beside me. He immediately turned his back on me!

Flis, Steve won't eat any home made food, the only pudding he will eat is tinned rice pudding.

With regards to the neighbour with the cat, she has mental health problems and is a PITA for everybody, not just me. I have enough problems with Steve's mental health without dealing with her as well. We have a new manager at the complex, who I will speak to about my concerns. Our local mental health agency is too busy to deal with anything apart from serious crises, which she isn't yet. 

Sooze, I use "Who made you Queen of May?"

Commentors have suggested I get my B12 levels and my testosterone checked. When I came out of hospital just before Christmas. I was told my Dr would contact me about a follow up appointment. I'm still waiting! And yes I have phoned to progress this and I'm told that they are too busy and have no free appointments for the foreseeable future!


flis said...

I didn't ever suggest you should - Mines the same now and I let him eat his junk too x

Lyssa Medana said...

Animals have their own Views and won't be argued with lol! Please pass on scritches to Beano, even if he is being grumpy.

I don't think that you can win with your crazy neighbour. Hopefully she settles down when she realises that she's not getting anywhere. Hugs x

Martha x said...

My dog sits and stares at me when she wants something. If only dogs could talk.

Country Cottage said...

Hi, you need to phone your GP and remind them of government guidelines which is that they need to offer you an apt within two weeks. If they don't have any they should offer you a GP plus apt with 2-3 days. x

A Smaller and Simpler Life said...

Beano sounds just like my Mavis. When Alan goes away to work she sits with her back to me for the first few hours literally staring at the side of the chair. When she decides to move she goes and sits on the front door mat staring at me down the hallway as if to get as far away from me as possible.

But she's close at mealtimes and when it's time to go for a walk!!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...