Wednesday, 16 August 2023

We've been to the pub

We took Beano for a walk along the towpath this morning, he was so excited that Steve was with us.

We caught the bus, we travelled just one stop, there is no pavement and it's a busy road with huge lorries thundering by.

The towpath is shaded by lots of trees so it wasn't too hot for Beano and we found a shaded table in the pub.

Steve has a beef burger, I had fish. Beano lay on the grass beside us, just chilling out until it was time to catch the bus home. We had the same driver both ways, Steve and I travel free with our pensioners bus pass. We pay £1 for Beano.


Anon said...

What a lovely treat for you all.

Sue said...

That sounds like a really nice little outing for all three of you, and you each get to eat what you like.

We do something similar, a walk along the canal and through a little pathway, avoiding the main road altogether and then cross a smaller road to the pub ... the dogs know the way now, we might have done it a few times!!

By the time we finish our meal the main road has quietened a bit and we can get across to be home in five minutes. Fresh air, dog walk, evening meal and no washing up for us. It's a real winner.

Ellen D. said...

Glad you had a pleasant outing!

flis said...

I hope you can all enjoy such a pleasant treat fairly regularly x

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...