Friday, 4 August 2023

Breaded chicken thighs!

Our Tesco shop arrived today, six delivery trays each containing a box of 18 cans of lager and a small amount of shopping.

In amongst the shopping were some chicken thighs. Steve decide he wanted these breadcrumbed. He purchased the breadcrumbs some months ago but hasn't found them very successful as they don't stick to the chicken. Today in desperation he decided to ask me how to get the breadcrumbs to  stick to the chicken. He complained bitterly that my instructions were far too complicated. I told him that my way worked and that the reason the breadcrumbs hadn't stuck on previous occasions was because he hadn't follow the correct procedure.

The thighs are currently cooking in the air fryer, I'm not sure how successful they will be as Steve didn't follow all my instructions as they were a waste of time.

I have to say that cooking has proved a great disappointment to Steve. He's always assumed that cooking must be easy as I can cook most things successfully. He considers me to be stupid, therefore cooking must be easy.


ana s. said...

My way is to dip in flour, then egg, and then breadcrumbs with or without additional seasoning. Leaves them nice and juicy.

You can do it in pans, bowls or even put the flour and crumbs in bags. I made a pan full and then we have great leftovers.

He just does not understand that frozen prepared items do not come that way from the ground or the chicken. hahaha.

You are a saint.

LameWolf said...

In a way, this reminds me of my former next door neighbour, who despite being of an age to have lived through WW2, appeared to think that herbs came magically in bags from the supermarket. She was watching me one day as I picked herbs from our garden for use in that day's dinner, and asked what I was doing. I duly told her, and her reaction was "Ewwww! Out of the dirty ground! I wouldn't eat that!" :-D

Sue said...

You truly have the patience of a saint. Maybe he could just buy some breaded chicken next time and save everyone's sanity!

flis said...

I hope you are not offended but if I didn't know that you were speaking about Your husband I would think you were describing mine - It is so tiresome trying to help someone who is so stubborn - I'm finding myself that it's a drain on my energy and it's best to say "I don't really know" x

Corinne said...

Could you point him to the recipes on the internet, which all pretty much say the same as you for breaded chicken? Or just buy them that way, which costs more!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...