Saturday, 12 August 2023

Another BBQ.

Steve did another BBQ y'day afternoon, one of the residents had her b'day  in June but wasn't well enough to celebrate.

Steve's fed up now with doing the BBQs, but since he moans and bitches when others people do them he's stuck with the job.

I ate very little as I'm not keen on burgers or sausages. There was lots different cakes and I tried a piece of chocolate cake but it was too heavy on the herbs so I didn't enjoy it.

The cake contained fennel, dill and poppy seeds as did the potato and butterbean salad.

A couple of replies to comments.

The resident with the new companion isn't a friend of Steve's.

I have no idea where to donate the Marmade  to, there is no one on-site who wants it.


Cheryl Seaman said...

I have never heard of adding those ingredients to a chocolate cake? Is that a British/English thing or .... Sounds awful to me! I really love your blog and hope you can find a good answer to your living arrangements.

kate steeper said...

the poppy seeds would have killed me much like my daughters penchant for adding chia seeds to everything because they are healthy ...ho hum

Sue Smit said...

I have never heard of those ingredients added to a choclate cake, doesn’t sound right? I too wouldn’t eat it as they also don’t go together if you ask me

Margaret Butterworth said...

I love to read your blog and eagerly wait to hear what dreadful thing Steve has done or said!

flis said...

That cake sounds a bit "Vicar of Dibley" to me x

Sue said...

I have never had a herby chocolate cake, I wonder if the maker of it has weak taste buds and needs to add lots of flavours to foods to make them less bland.

ShellyC said...

Have you ever tried adding a tablespoon of mayonnaise to a chocolate cake when mixing. Tastes divine

Lyssa Medana said...

That cake sounds seriously out there.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...