Saturday, 26 August 2023

We have rain.

I had all the windows open and then it started to rain, I went round and closed them all. Steve was in the garden cutting back some ivy when the rain started, I expected him to come indoors but he didn't. He went to Harry's for a cuppa instead. 

The rain was heavy but brief, it's dry again now.

One of our neighbours had visitors this morning, they brought their dog with them. It's not very big, possibly a cockerpoo. This sent our cat lady in to orbit, I could see her car lazing on the lawn. At the sight of the dog the cat stared at the dog but didn't move. The dog also ignored the cat, the only one who seemed bothered was the cat lady. She started wailing about the stress that was being caused to her cat!

I'm thinking of  buying a water jug for the fridge, the water from the tap never seems cold though it is filtered as we had a filter fitted when we replaced the taps.

Steve is still not wearing his hearing aids indoors so is constantly shouting as he doesn't realise how loud he is. He is currently watching YouTube videos about very expensive boats. Boats that cost millions. I don't mind what he watches but he will insist on showing what he's watching and I'm not at all interested.


Chris said...

It rained here too today, quite heavy for a while, but I got a good walk in before it started. Hope you and Beano managed a walk too!

kate steeper said...

i feel for you , himself is currently obsessed with Scania lorry repair videos , hes moaning i dont have a colour printer for him to print off wiring diagrams ...Why just why

Mary O said...

If space is an issue in your fridge door I use a glass Kilner style bottle so I always have chilled water. Mary

flis said...

Perhaps someone could suggest to cat woman that maybe her pussy would be happier being a house cat x

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...