Tuesday, 8 August 2023

Clearing out.

There was a box in the bottom of the wardrobe and today I finally got around to emptying it. 

There were a few crochet hooks, some chunky yarn and some crochet shawls and blankets. As I can no longer see to crochet I shall pass the hooks on to a neighbour who can use them, the shawls and blankets will go in to DD1's dressing up box. Also in there was an old dressing gown and a winter jacket, these have gone in the bin.

The empty box has been flattened and  the bottom of the wardrobe is bare apart from a tin containing a few small Christmas decorations.

I found the Christmas cards we received when we moved here, I need to add the people to my address book and then bin the cards.

In a kitchen cupboard I found a tin of Marmade, I will hang onto it a bit longer to see if I feel like making it up, if not that can also be binned.


Sue said...

It's funny how we put off doing something like this for ages and then when we get stuck in it's all done and dusted within a short space of time. I bet it's nice seeing the base of the wardrobe again, instead of a box waiting patiently to be emptied.

Anonymous said...

Dont bin the Mamade - donate it!

Corinne said...

When we recently cleared my late dad's house, we found just about all the cards they had ever been given! We kept some of the special ones, but the rest had to go. Lesson learnt! I've had a cull of all the cards I had been hanging on to. Nobody else is interested in them and I've never looked at them since they were given. Only special ones in the cupboard now, waiting for family to throw out!!!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...