Friday, 25 August 2023


Steve came with me to walk Beano y'day morning, Beano loves it when Steve comes with us. It was only whilst we were walking through the park that I realised from Steve's conversation that he thinks he comes with us most days. In fact he hasn't joined us for months.

Sooze, we seem to be in the same boat don't we, I do sympathise when I read your blog.

Tesco delivery today, we are buying fewer things every week as Steve can't/won't find the things I ask for and often can't find the stuff he wants! Though we still get 6 boxes of 18 Fosters every week. Food, as far as Steve is concerned comes either battered or breadcrumbed. I've tried explaining that most of the stuff he buys has been fried before it's sold, but because he hasn't fried it himself he believes his food choices are healthy.

There is a meeting in the summer house with our site manager today, it's the same old bullshot every time. The managing company take the attitude that because we are all over 60 we are all senile. It's very frustrating to be treated this way. I admit we are not helped by a few of the residents being exceptionally stupid/self absorbed. We have the mad cat lady who wants to spend every meeting talking about her pussy. Bob the Knob insists on talking about which plants he will and will not allow it the communal garden. Also the two residents who insist they want to stay with the current company that owns the court, despite being told many times that it isn't an option.


Donna said...

Sorry I don't leave more comments but I read all your post, religiously.
Today's post though couldn't go without me saying I busted out with a big laugh when you talked about the Mad cat lady wanting to do nothing but talk about her pussy...Bob the Knob and his insistence on telling others what to plant in the!! The communal anything means, people sharing space! Each planting what they want to eat! Lolol...oh my goodness. I'd have fun with them all at that meeting!
Thanks for making me laugh today...dearly needed it.
Big hug whether you want it or not,

Cheryl Seaman said...

I agree with Donna, I read your posts and even wish you wrote more often. People are so dense about things they don't want to contend with. Kind of like me saying that I wish my husband were still alive and that we were both 40!! Not going to happen but if that is the only thing I concentrate on ...... what a mess. I don't really like change but we do need to be flexible if we are going to continue on with any "control" of our lives.

Corinne said...

Your mad cat lady isn't called Mrs Slocome by any chance?

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...