Monday, 14 August 2023


There are three ladies who live here who are frenemies.

They seem to live in a constant state of falling out with each other.

One of the ladies invited me to go with her to a local garden centre, this wasn't long after we moved in.  I was unable to go as she uses a local bus service that I was not eligible for.  I wasn't that keen on going with her as the garden centre isn't very big and the planned visit a seemed to be  very lengthy.  I was told later that I'd only been invited as she'd fallen out with the other two and I'd be dropped like a hot potato once she was back in with her friends.

One of the frenemies has her flat on the market, once it's sold there will just be two of them, will they admit another person into their group so they can continue to be frenemies. 

Who knows, I shall continue to keep my distance, I'm really not interested in that sort of interaction.


flis said...

I had a friend who I noticed over the years had various friends that seemed very pleasant - Oddly she told me how individually each had treated her badly and their friendship had ended - Later I ended our friendship too- She was selfish and demanding I realised x

Cheryl Seaman said...

Isn't it odd that some people would rather have upsets and drama swirling about their lives instead of trying to find peace and happiness? I have a niece like that - I'm not real close to her but think I am the only one of the family she still speaks to as they have all "offended" her in one way or another?!

RunNRose said...

Stories like this always remind me of a year in my third-grade classroom here in TX. There was a girl in my class who could stir up so much trouble! She was a leader for sure, and the game she played caused so much heartache. There was never peace; always one or another little girl was ostracized. Mothers complained. I was constantly having to cope with that besides trying to teach reading and math. Only girls were involved. After that year, I let it be known that I'd rather have 15 boys and five girls than the other way around! Those little girls could be so hateful; knew exactly how to dish out hurt. I never had the problem with boys.

Sue said...

I have never understood this sort of interaction, it's just not worth having friends if that's how it's going to be is it. You do exactly the right thing not getting involved with them. I guess they are the pensioner version of the film Mean Girls.

lindsey said...

Oh yes, keep well away! You have already got the signs. Best of luck!

Lyssa Medana said...

It's all about the drama.

Personally I'd be non-committal, avoid them like the plague but mop up alllll the gossip

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...