Saturday, 5 August 2023


I took Beano out for an early walk as rain was forecast, good job I did as it's chucking it down now and has been since about 8:30.

Steve will be in a grump all day as he hates the rain as much as Beano does. He's just got up and is shouting his head off, he won't wear his hearing aids so has no idea how loud he is. He gets very annoyed if I mention it. Once Betty next door gets up she'll pop round and tell him he's being too loud. When Steve does wear his aids he speaks very quietly, this way he can sigh dramatically in a long suffering manner, if I ask him to repeat himself. Though now I have my new aids I can hear most of what everyone says.

Lame Wolf, I had a work colleague who was horrified when I told her that I ate vegetables that Steve had grown in our garden. She didn't understand that shop bought vegetables had mostly been grown in soil also.

I've had to give up watching TV as my eyesight has deteriorated more in recent weeks. I need to find more books to read on my kindle. I've recently re-read all my Harry Dresden books and all my Ben Aaronavich. I need to find some new authors to follow. Fortunately if I set my kindle to the largest font I can still read for now.

I cooked a huge chicken breast when I first got up and sliced it thinly, it will do for sandwiches for lunch and probably for my tea tonight with added salad.


zoeoutside said...

Have you tried Jasper Fforde? He has several series, but I loved the Thursday Next one - the first book is "The Eyre Affair". Also possibly Jodi Taylor - again several series, the main one begins with "Just One Damned Thing After Another". They're both 'our world but not quite our word' type books like Rivers of London.

Corinne said...

I enjoyed reading Anthony Horowitz's Magpie Murders, and the follow on Moonflower Murders long before the first series was made by the BBC! I'm hoping they'll do the follow on story too.
I second the Jodi Taylor series of St Mary's books...they're brilliant stories, and the Time Police spin off series is just as good. I've learned so much history through these books! The characters become real to you after a while.
I also read The Quantum Curators series, set in parallel worlds.
I sometimes buy the Audible version cheaply after buying the Kindle one, so I can listen while doing other things.😁

aileen g said...

I worked with a woman once who was horrified when I mentioned that the salad I had for lunch was all home-grown in my little garden. "Ugh", she said, "remind me not to eat at your house. That stuff must have been grown in the dirt". After I asked her where she thought "supermarket" salad was grown (she couldn't answer) I also commented that perhaps she should wait for an invitation to eat at my house before rejecting it.

Siebrie said...

@aileen g: Dutch supermarket salads are grown in water.

A Smaller and Simpler Life said...

My sons ex-wife wouldn't have any of our free range eggs when we had our flock of birds as they 'came out of the chickens arse, not like the supermarket ones that came in boxes'. Honestly some people!

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...