Monday, 28 August 2023

Small joys.

 I try to find small joys every day.

I like to enjoy the gardens I see when I walk Beano every day.

Something I also see every day are Rowan trees, there are quite a few nearby all laden with bright red berries.

Also Hawthorne bushes which are also covered in red berries but a deeper red.

The Horse Chestnut trees on the nearby green are full of conkers still in their bright green outer shells. They are supposed to ward off spiders but I don't mind spiders. I do like to have a bowl of shiny conkers on my window sill.


Sue said...

It's a really good year for Rowan trees this year, usually it is a forecast of a bad Winter, but whatever the reason I do think the berries make everywhere look so much more colourful while most other things are dying back.

flis said...

I like to do that too - and put myself into Dorothy's shoes - Wizard of Oz with several Toto's x

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...