Monday, 28 August 2023

Small joys.

 I try to find small joys every day.

I like to enjoy the gardens I see when I walk Beano every day.

Something I also see every day are Rowan trees, there are quite a few nearby all laden with bright red berries.

Also Hawthorne bushes which are also covered in red berries but a deeper red.

The Horse Chestnut trees on the nearby green are full of conkers still in their bright green outer shells. They are supposed to ward off spiders but I don't mind spiders. I do like to have a bowl of shiny conkers on my window sill.


Sue said...

It's a really good year for Rowan trees this year, usually it is a forecast of a bad Winter, but whatever the reason I do think the berries make everywhere look so much more colourful while most other things are dying back.

flis said...

I like to do that too - and put myself into Dorothy's shoes - Wizard of Oz with several Toto's x

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...