Thursday, 17 August 2023

Spending spree

I've spent a lot of  money today and on nothing exciting.

When I say a lot, I mean a lot for me, so what exciting things have I purchased?

First off, a pill sorter, I have one but it's just a one week sorter and some of the lids have broken. So I've ordered a bigger one, a four week sorter.

Next I ordered a new basket for the air fryer, I've realised that Steve, despite using the air fryer 2 or 3 times a day never washes the basket. He seems to think it's like the oven and that I'll clean it. I have explained that he needs to clean it properly after every use. Today he cooked himself two burgers and filled the entire flat with smoke that took ages to clear. I rarely use the air fryer so hadn't noticed how bad it was.

When the flat filled with smoke this morning Steve turned the extractor on that sits above the cooker. This was totally ineffective as the filters were all old and filled with grease. I've ordered new filters for the extractor.

And that's my spending spree, all very boring but very necessary.


ana s. said...

Totally necessary.

Chris said...

All essentials and should improve your health and quality of life. Money well spent!

Ellen D. said...

I just saw a recent video about cleaning those filters. So thanks for reminding me to do that!

Anonymous said...

Throw out the nasty disgusting fryer.
All the nasty food and anything else
That will improve your life.
Anything come to mind?

Laura Z said...

Here in the states we have little parchment liners for your air fryer baskets. Are those available? THey will save you lots of cleaning up and water.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...