Tuesday, 1 August 2023

Wipe out.

For the third day running I'm wiped out, I have zero energy. I feel like I've been run over by a steam roller.

I have no idea why, I'm trying to eat a decent diet and i try to get a good night's sleep.

I'm managing to walk Beano but that's about it. Steve's not impressed and thinks I need to try harder. He won't come with me when I walk the dog and just suggests re-homing him.

I really could have done without the local cat lady starting on me as I was walking Beano. today.

She gave me a list of instructions.

Beano is not allowed to walk in the nearby copse, as her cat likes to walk there. The cat already has the run of almost half an acre of garden. 

All residents have been instructed not to walk across the car park when she is there with her cat.

I'm to wait until 11:45 before Beano goes out for his last widdle as her cat is indoors then. As I go to bed about 10:30 this is not feasible. 

Next came a list of all the thing wrong with Beano and me, he needs his coat trimming etc.I

I need to get my hair cut and coloured, I'm too old to be wearing it up in a comb.

At this point my patience was exhausted so I walked off muttering under my breath.

She heard me muttering and is going to report me to our new manager!


Sooze said...

What a blinking cheek, I think I'd have asked "And who made you Queen Bee?"

ShellyC said...

Crazy cat woman is not your keeper and has no more right to dictate to you, anymore than you do to her.
I would think she is lucky no one has tried to clock her yet. I should just keep walking and muttering on her cat having fleas and a scruffy coat.
I don't think complaining to management will do her any good with her problems.
Perhaps Steve should think about rehoming him self, cheeky.

Anonymous said...

Get in first, report her to the new manager as she is harassing you.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it is you that should be talking to the new manager about her. As for Steve----sorry but would have left him by now. (Although I am aware that there are financial constraints) I know he has had a major health issue but he is perfectly nice to some people so appears to be able to pick and choose who he wishes to upset. You are a saint and have my complete admiration. Pollie.

Anonymous said...

Tell her to have sex and travel,(F.off)
When she owns the whole of the complex, then she can dictate to people, what they can and cant do, until then she needs to be put down in her place.
The jumped up Madam. Come on Hester, long time readers can remember how good you were with a response back, when you were working - do it now to her and Steve.
Let's see the old Hester back again
Anne xxx

Anonymous said...

Sorry Hester, she needs to be reported now, excuse my language but she is a T*wat and so entitled, she needs to know that the world does not revolve around her bl** dy cat, gosh what an idiot. You go through the correct procedures with the manager and emphasise she is affecting your (mental) and physical health (if all fails I’m sure your devoted readers, including me, will suggest nefarious ways to sort her and said cat 😉. Jan
PS I have had cats and dogs so have the right to spout off!!

Amanda said...

You need to report the Crazy Cat Lady, the sooner the better. You've put up with way too much way too long! She is harassing you. You've every right to walk your dog where you please, when you please; you can plant what you want in your area; whoever moves in above you can have whatever pets they want, and she needs to stop that nonsense of staring at your door at all hours. (That is just creepy.) I've had up to 4 cats at a time and would never dream of asking my neighbors to kowtow to me or my cats like that. She is beyond ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Get your testosterone levels checked! I had absolutely no energy, went in for hormone related blood tests and found out that my levels are so low, it's a wonder I'm functioning at all. There is no real approved treatment for women, as the jury is still out with regards to causation of breast cancer, heart disease, etc. but at least I now know there's a culprit. I'll do everything I can by way of diet, exercise, no stress and more sleep to try and improve the T levels. Getting older is no joke, it's been rough for me. The residents where you are living seem to be doing their level best to stress you out and I'm certain that's not helping you.

Anonymous said...

report crazy cat lady,she is a nasty little bully and bullying is not acceptable at any age!

Moira said...

Buy a water pistol

Anonymous said...

I suggest you re-home Steve.
However I doubt anyone would want him.

Anonymous said...

You may want to get a thyroid profile done.
Perhaps a B-12 level as well.
As we age our levels can decrease.
Either of these things can make you exhausted.
Tell cat lady your going to show her freaking cat up her ass ,claws first if she ever comes near you again
As for Steve stop cooking for him,stop talking to him. He adds nothing good to your life.
He treats stranger's better than he treats you.
He demeans you. He makes your life miserable.
The only person he loves is himself.
The best way to get to a narcissist is to completely ignore them.
It drives then insane.

flis said...

That woman is harassing you and trying to control you - and as you will not comply any more she wants to complain first before you do - about her - Id write a list of her behaviour and times- Also when my b. had moaned about one of y rescued I'm said I would regime him first - He looked surprised x

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When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...