Wednesday, 9 August 2023


There is a saying that there is no fool like an old fool!

One of the residents, who is in his eighties and is in poor health, had been saying for some time that he was looking to remarry. 

This was because he was bored, he has family who visit a couple of times a week, he attends an assortment of clubs in the local area and also the meetings in the summer house. Despite this he was still bored.

He started his attempts to find a wife by telling all of the residents that he is a millionaire twice over. Now call me cynical but if he's a millionaire why is he living here? He could be living somewhere exotic, or in one of the expensive complexes that provide a lot of on-site entertainment. He could even live on a cruise ship and travel the world.

Eventually he managed to find a companion, she is 55 and loves to shop. He drives her into town, parks up, gives her money and sits in his car until she returns. She has her own car, but they take his as he has a blue badge. She must have nerves of steel to get in the car with him as he is a truly scary driver, he has no peripheral vision. He seems to count to ten and then pulls out of the car park. He was reported to the DVLA and lost his licence but he has persuaded his Dr to write on his behalf and has had his licence reinstated.

Once his companion has fulfilled her shopping needs he takes her for lunch. This has caused a small problem for some of the residents here as he wishes to take her somewhere different every time. Because of this he is constantly knocking on doors asking for recommendations on where to take the lady for lunch. There are only three or four residents who own cars, are married and go out to lunch on a regular basis. These are the people he targets repeatedly, unfortunately he will insist on knocking on their doors after 11 o'clock at night or before 7 am. He is becoming a real nuisance.

He has suggested she move in with him but she isn't keen and I can't blame her. The thought of trying to keep him entertained and amused every day must be exhausting.


Sue in Suffolk said...

You certainly have some odd characters living there.

Anonymous said...

Is this the man who Steve went for a drink with and you'd said he'd found a younger woman?
I thought Steve may have been thinking along the same lines and you'd be well shot of him.

kate steeper said...

hes not looking for a companion hes looking for a domestic servant they all are

Rambler said...

He'd get short shrift from me if he came calling at those times! Doesn't anyone have the guts to tell him where to go??? (And I don't mean a restaurant recommendation either.) As Sue says - you do have some odd characters living there.

Anonymous said...

It is exhausting dealing with an emotionally immature man !

Corinne said...

Like you fool like an old fool, although who is fooling whom????

JacquieB said...

A fool and his money .......

Col said...

He sounds a bit like my late father in law.
He took up with a woman just days after my mother in law died, and three weeks after becoming a widower went on holiday with said woman!
He spent all his time with her and repeatedly pushed my husband, who was his only child, away.
When she died, he suddenly wanted us again, but my husband couldn't see how he was using us, despite me pointing it out to him.
Two years ago, father in law died, and absolutely destroyed my husband, because in his Will, he'd made 'the woman's' son in law a joint executor along with his solicitor, and had left many thousands of pounds to her family, including her grandchildren. He didn't even mention his only grandchild (our son) or his great grandchild in the Will at all.
When we were emptying his flat we found an appointment in his diary for a visit to his solicitor, alongside a list of what changes he wanted to make to his Will. He intended to leave his flat, his possessions, and every penny he had to 'the woman's' family, and was going to specify that his own family were to receive absolutely nothing!
I always knew he was vicious, and had to bite my tongue on many occasions, so as not to cause trouble. My husband couldn't see it though, and thought he had a normal relationship with his father. He was absolutely devastated to learn that his father had basically been lying to him for nineteen years.
Fortunately though, the fates didn't allow him to change his Will in favour of 'the woman's' family, as he died five days before the date of the solicitor's appointment! As he had not signed the list of changes he wished to make, cutting my husband out of his Will, nothing on the list mattered!
My husband received £50,000 less from his father's Will than he expected to, but if the old swine had lived long enough to change his Will, husband would have received not one penny, despite being at his father's beck and call for almost his entire life!
When clearing out the flat in order to sell it, we found receipts from restaurants (mother in law hated eating out, so she was certainly not on these restaurant visits) dating back to before my mother in law died, his passport, (which he had used on holidays with mother in law) had 'the woman' listed as his emergency contact, and we also found a bag of photos of him and 'the woman' and her family, some of which were definitely taken when mother in law was still alive, and they were, as far as we, or any of their family and friends knew, a normal married couple who had been together for almost fifty years!
I used to wonder why my mother in law seemed to be so miserable all the time, but now I'm pretty sure that she knew about him and 'the woman', and rather than kick him to the kerb, she let him make her life horrible!
If she did know he was cheating, I wish she had confided in me, because I'd have loved to take him apart! X

Karla said...

My counselor says that most men are raised to want to marry "Moms" they can, you know, with. Ugh. And that if Moms coddle and fuss and meet their boys' every need, then that's the kind of woman they want to marry, and the woman is in servitude the rest of her life. Same for daughters who are raised watching Moms fuss and coddle their husbands and/or sons; they, too, will become the coddlers/indentured servants. It starts at home. My Mom was in servitude her whole life, first to her 4 siblings as she was the oldest, and then to 5 children of her own, and then taking care of my Dad towards the end of her life, which nearly killed her. It's up to us women to STOP that, learn to love ourselves first, learn to develop healthy boundaries around what we do for others and raise our sons and daughters better.

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...