Saturday, 8 March 2014

I'm knucking fackered

My darling granddaughter Norah has just been collected by her Mum Lizzie, Norah has been here since yesterday after gym club, my beloved L&M has gone out for a drink with a friend, he left 2 hours earlier than he needed to. I think he'd had enough of being a spy on a secret mission, crawling round the floor looking for hidden magic stones! Norah & I went to the sorting office to collect a lamp I'd ordered, went to the service station to put petrol in the car, went to the supermarket to buy bread & Kinder eggs, we hung washing on the line, we did jigsaw puzzles, read stories, wrote letters, did drawing & colouring, fed the fish, we did some sewing to make bedding for some dollies, found a hat and scarf for Norah in case it snows next week & made cress heads. Tomorrow my L&M & I are collecting DGS Neal & taking him to the garden centre & to look at the tropical fish.


catherine said...

You're a brilliant Nana, I don't know how you do it! X

dreamer said...

Sounds like a day of good fun to me :)

Anonymous said...

That is going to be my new phrase!


Beano gets more walks in the summer than in the winter. It's not the weather, we neither of us mind the cold. It's the shortness of ...