Saturday, 12 September 2015

Neighbourhood Watch

Business must be brisk, the local dealer has upgraded from a flashy Mercedes to an even flashier Bentley!

Although I don't enjoy the colder weather, it does have some benefits. Our local jogger will stop jogging, I don't usually have a problem with joggers, apart from this one. He is somewhere between 65 and 75 and wears white lycra cycling shorts! As they are very tight they leave little to the imagination and he will stand on the corner of the road thrusting his groin towards any female passers by.


Rambler said...

A car salesman swapping from one flashy car to another would put me right off buying a car from him, I'm afraid. Obviously, he turns an excellent profit - but it won't be coming out of MY pocket!
Is your back better now? I hope the pain has gone.
As for your local geriatric jogger gyrating his bony hips (and other unsavoury bits) in front of long-suffering local ladies - EURGH!!!!!

Sooze said...

I'm guessing he's not a car dealer........

Hard up Hester said...

Hi Rambler, Sooze is correct, I should have made it clear, it our local drug dealer, not a car dealer.

Rambler said...

Oooops! My mistake! I live in a very quiet rural area and thoughts of drug dealers rarely spring to mind, I'm very glad to say.


Beano gets more walks in the summer than in the winter. It's not the weather, we neither of us mind the cold. It's the shortness of ...