Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Devastating news

Hubby received a phone call this afternoon from a friend he has known since secondary school.

His friend's wife isn't expected to last until the weekend, she is only in her early 50's.

She was advised a few years ago to stop drinking but she was unable to manage this.

Her liver has now failed, there is nothing more that can be done for her.

She and her husband lived with her father, the two men don't get on.

So as from this weekend, hubby's friend will be homeless.

Hence the phone call, guess who he is moving in with, yep, us!


Rambler said...

Oh Hester! I have every sympathy for the poor chap, but I hope he will soon sort out some accommodation for himself. You have a heart of gold, but in your one-bedroom home, how on earth will you manage? You are already feeling ill a lot of the time; your grandsons are regular visitors and now you will have a bereaved and very sad man to cope with.
Have a big (((((HUG))))). xx

Jaccs said...

I have followed your blog for a while now,love your sense of humour and Go Get them attitude, I hope you aren't taking on more than you can chew?i admire your patience, and hope this will be short term for both your sakes:)

Margie from Toronto said...

It is very kind of you both to take him in - but I echo those above who hope that it will be a short-term arrangement for all your sakes. Very sad - people really are their own worst enemy at times.

Witch Hazel said...

{oor wife, poor chap...and poor you. It's a very kind thing you are doing, hope he understands it is only tepmporary as you are declutterig and downsizing.

Linda Metcalf said...

Poor you...can you take on anything else? I understand wanting to help but you also have to think of you and yours.

Anonymous said...

Your heart is bigger than all outdoors. Strong thoughts and hugs across the miles.

Queen Victoria from New Orleans

Hard up Hester said...

Thank you all for your comments, I think the situation will be resolved quickly.


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.