Sunday, 21 August 2016

It's Done

Remember the ensuite that looked like this?

Well now it looks like this, it needs cleaning and the door handle is wrapped to protect it, it is chrome under the plastic bag.


Sheila said...

It looks lovely-x-

Lyssa Medana said...


TrishWish said...

You have inspired me! I have started a long list of little jobs round the house towards getting it up to the mark. Today - painting two radiators!

Anonymous said...

Good selling point-lovely neat finish should appeal to buyers. In the meantime, enjoy your lovely ltlle loo! Catriona

Frances said...

Looks great. We had our bathroom " done" 2 years ago and I still go in and think wow… this really ours!

lynda said...

Beautiful! Well done!

galant said...

This is a tremendous improvement! Love the simple style of the basin and the black and white scheme. Very well done!
Margaret P

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...